Thursday, September 2, 2010

Florence is a Walking City

I am willing to admit that I am kind of a whiner. Especially when it comes to walking. I have been known to complain when someone parks a few spaces farther away than necessary in the parking lot and friends have created a drinking game after how many times I ask "How much further is it?" But part of the whole studying abroad thing is growing as a person and I'm making it a personal goal not to complain about the fact that the transportation of choice in Florence is by foot. Besides, how can I complain when my walk to school leads me past a cathedral, an amazing pizzeria whose owner we have already befriended and four or five gelato places. The fact that in Florence one never seems to be more than 20 feet from gelato is a reason to be grateful for all the forced exercise.
Florence is a very manageable city, small enough that by the time I leave I will know my way around pretty well. As bad as I am with directions, I am already starting to get the hang of the area around my apartment. At the same time I feel like there are not enough meals in the next four months to eat at all the amazing places the city has to offer. So far we have just been eating at whatever place we stumble upon whenever we are hungry, and nothing has disappointed. I had the most AMAZING bruschetta at lunch today. I will probably have dreams about it tonight. Well that and the hazelnut gelato I just had about 15 minutes ago.
Unfortunately as well as I have been eating, the mosquitoes have been eating better. By some act of God we have a private backyard and we have been leaving the doors open to let in the light, giving the mosquitoes the perfect opportunity to leave me about 10 bites all over my legs. Well then and during all the walking we've been doing.

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