Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Leading lady

I sometimes forget that you can not actually be physically capable of doing something just by telling yourself that you are. I was born into the "you can do anything you set your mind to" generation and people have been telling me this since birth. But as it turns out, I can not carry all four of my bags with previously untapped super human strength just by setting my mind to it. After making a sufficient fool of myself I admitted defeat and got a cart. Which made loud squeaky noises for fifteen minutes before I figured out how to take the break off. It is during this point that I concluded, my life is not a chick flick. I concluded this of course because no beautiful British boy stepped up to offer and carry my bags, take me out on a romantic date, fall in love with and eventually marry me. My life is not a chick flick, it is however some sort of movie. I am about to spend almost four months living in Florence, Italy. This can not be real.
Even though I consider myself a fairly independent person I tend to get stuck in my comfort zone. I have no trouble leaving something or someone I dislike but change when my life is already going well terrifies me. Studying abroad is without a doubt the most daring, frightening, and exciting thing I have ever done. I am so lucky to have this opportunity to not only travel and immerse myself in another culture but also to get to know myself better. In removing myself from everything familiar I am suddenly living a life that before I had only imagined or watched in a movie. My life IS a movie. The setting is Italy. As leading lady I'm a bit hapless and unsure of myself. But I am the leading lady never the less. as Rose says in The Holiday "You're supposed to be the leading lady of your own life for Christ sakes!" I don't know that I always have been but in the story of a young girl laid over in the London airport waiting to see what adventures await her for the next semester, I am without a doubt the leading lady. The rest of the story, is still unwritten.

*Image from tumbler